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One of the discoverers of the Starobin potash deposit and the author of the geological map of Belarus bedrocks is Gerasim Bogomolov. In 1939 he founded and headed the world’s first Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology.



In spring of that year the Starobin deposit of potash salts is discovered.
May 11th, 1949: the drilling of the first exploratory well is started.
July 9th, 1949: the first core of sylvinite crystals is hoisted from the depth of 349 m. Geologists by the first drill rig.



Based on the Decree of the Head of Glass and Chemical Industry Administration No. 174 the Order No. 1 to start the Satrobin Potash Plant is issued.
Oleg Timofeyev is appointed the director of SPP. June 21st, 1958 is considered to be the date of establishment of our enterprise.


First stone is laid as a symbol of the beginning of Soligorsk construction.


Geologists determine the shaft No. 2 center.


First gate of the construction yard.



First pithead is installed.


Sinking of a shaft collar.



April 25th: the first pithead above shaft No. 2 is completed


April 30th, 05:30 a.m.: minable level of potash salts tapped at the depth of 414 m of shaft No. 2 and the first bucket of sylvinite hoisted. This first sylvinite is mined by the shaft sinkers from Nikolay Gerasimenya’s crew.


1st May Demonstration. N. Gerasimenya with the first potash salt.


July 26th, shaft No. 2: the first explosion thundered. It was the start of the first horizontal mining workings. Mine of PU 1 began its operations.
Photo: I. Okolelov, Foreman driller and blaster.



First raw material delivered to the temporary mill.


Surveyors marked out the building yard of Mine 2 (near the Radkovo village).  



Mine 2: Installation of the pithead above the shaft No. 1 is completed; start of shaft sinking (shaft No. 3).



March 7th, 1963: By the Decree of the Supreme Council of the BSSR the urban settlement Soligorsk became a town of regional subordination.



PU 2: Construction works.
Photo: Processing plant.


PU 2: Construction of a boiler station.


PU 2: Construction of thickeners for the Processing Plant.


PU 2: Construction of warehouses.


Council of Ministers of the BSSR adopted a resolution on the construction of PU 3 and scheduled shaft sinking. Layout of axes of the shaft No. 1 at PU 3. Weather conditions: -25°C, strong wind. .


PU 3: Sinking of the shaft collar. Shaft No. 1.



PU 2: Pithead construction. The State Commission accepted and put into operation the 1st stage of the Production Unit.


PU 2: Thickeners of Processing Plant.



The State Commission put into operation the 2nd stage of PU 2.  On December 24th the Processing Plant produced the first concentrate of potash fertilizers.  
Photo: PU 2.


PU 3: Crew of I. Polyakov hoisted the first skip of sylvinite.



1st stage of PU 3 is commissioned. 



PU 3: Pilot tests of bench mining complexes KMK-97k at the depth of 420 m (Foreman: S. Korenko).


PU 2: Crew of L. Kalinin with a road header PK-8 set a mining record (3815 long meters) and mined 64 th. tons of ore.


Crew of S. Kazakevich set another record. Within 31 working days the road header PK-8 mined 4551 long meters and the crew hoisted 76 th. tons of ore.


Beginning of construction of PU 4 near the village Zelyony Mokh between Soligorsk and Luban districts. The first crew of workers arrived at the building yard. They make preparations necessary to sink the pit and construct the drilling mud building. The reserves of the 4th mining field (the biggest one) of the Starobin deposit will be used as mineral resource base. The 4th mining field is 220 m2.



Voluntary Saturday works. Photo: Managers of the future PU 4.



Transport Department is established. P. Molochko is appointed the Head of the Department.



PU 4: Unique experiment on installation of the pithead.



1st stage of the boiler station is commissioned. Its construction was started in 1976. In 2003 the boiler station is reconstructed into a heat power station.



PU 4: Meeting held to celebrate the commissioning of the 1st stage.



PU 4: Production site.



One hundred millionth ton of potash fertilizers produced by the miners headed by I. Savanovich and processing engineers headed by A. Kiselyov.



February 14th: Meeting dedicated to the foundation of the first stone announcing the beginning of construction of Krasnoslobodsky mine.


PU 1: on August 29th the N. Sanikovich’s crew mined the billionth ton of potash ore. Milestone in Belaruskali history!


PU 4: on October 23th the 17 km gas pipeline connected the heat power station and the main pipeline.



Reinforcement of the skip shaft No. 2 at Krasnoslobodsky mine.



Filaret, Metropolitan of Minsk and Slutsk, the Patriarchal Exarch of all Belarus, blessed the construction of Krasnoslobodsky mine facilities.



December 14th: Meeting dedicated to the foundation of the first stone symbolizing the beginning of construction of Berezovsky mine.



Geologist O. Mokh with the first potash salt mined at Krasnoslobodsky mine. The second potash level is tapped at the depth of 472 m.


Construction of a warehouse having a storage capacity of 25 th. tons.



November: Commissioning of a warehouse having a capacity of 25 th. tons and a covered 6.5 km belt conveyor running between Krasnoslobodsky mine and PU 2.


December: Beginning of mine development and construction works. The first ore is mined at Krasnoslobodsky mine


April: Beginning of shaft sinking at Berezovsky mine.



May 7th: President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko presses the symbolic button and launches the operation of Krasnoslobodsky mine.


Construction of surface facilities for Berezovsky mine.



October 26th: The millionth ton of ore is mined at Krasnoslobodsky mine.
Photo: I. Kozhich (Director of PU 2), A. Gerasimovich (Foreman miner), A. Chayanov (General Manager of the Mine).


Managers of JSC Belaruskali celebrating the 1st anniversary of Krasnoslobodsky mine operating activities.


Construction of a covered 10.4 km belt conveyor between Berezovsky mine and PU 1.


October: For the first time in the world mine development practice the horizontal workings (mining field of PU 4) and a vertical shaft (Berezovsky mine) are holed through.



Berezovsky mine: Production site.


July: Opening ceremony of Berezovsky mine headed by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, the Chairman of the Executive Committee of Minsk Region B. Batura and the Director General of JSC Belaruskali V. Kirienko. The certificate of commissioning of the 1st stage of Berezovsky mine is signed on June 29th, 2012.



March: Production of the first compound fertilizers in one granular.


Construction of NPK Production Plant was under control of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus.


NPK Production Plant.


June: Drilling Station of Petrikovsky Production Unit.


July: Construction of Salt Dissolution, Brine Preparation & Electrolysis Plant (chemical plant for complex and advanced processing of the chlorine-bearing product).


August. The new JSC Belarusian Potash Company is established. By November 2013, the volume of Belaruskali deliveries to foreign markets had been recovered. 4Q 2013 results exceeded, albeit slightly, the level of the previous year.


December. A strategically important in implementation of Directive No. 3 for the Company in general and for the Production Unit 4 in particular, was the construction of the Gas Turbine Unit at PU4 Power Plant - a set of modern equipment, providing the production site with heat and energy resources and, consequently, achieving tangible savings. After commissioning the turbine was put into operation.



Commissioning of Chemical plant for deep complex processing of chlorine-containing mineral raw material.


January. This year is rich for anniversaries. The Inhouse Security Service celebrated its 50th anniversary. 35 years have passed since the commissioning of Processing Plant No. 4.
40 years have passed since the first issue of the newspaper Kaliyshchik Soligorska was published.


In February 2014 since JSC Belaruskali started the construction of its youngest mine – Berezovsky – 5 million tonnes of ore have been already mined.


March of this year was remarkable for record output - using all reserves, the Company delivered 1 million 44 thousand tonnes of potash fertilizers, provided that 977 thousand tonnes were shipped for export. April, May, June, July and August were also tough months for all production units. The Company involved all its resources to meet growing demand.


April 2014 marked one year since the new compound NPK Plant was commissioned.


In May 2014 the Krasnoslobodsky mine celebrated its fifth anniversary after commissioning. Throughout the operation of the mine, more than 10 million tonnes of ore have already been mined. In July 2014 production volume of the mine reached a record 504 651 tonnes of potash ore. As a result of well-coordinated work and achievement of its record performance, the Krasnoslobodsky mine has reached its design capacity of 6 million tonnes of ore per year, with a production period of at least 40 years.


On June 19th the President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko made a working visit to Soligorsk District. The President visited JSC Belaruskali, in particular, the Krasnoslobodsky mine and the compound NPK Plant.


On July 01, 2014 the Ministry of Energy and JSC Belaruskali signed an agreement on transit of electrical power, under which we have the right to transfer the excess electricity generated at Power Plant of PU4 to other divisions of our enterprise. Today, two Gas Turbine Units fully cover the power demand of PU4 and transit 8 megawatts to other divisions of the Company.


As part of the ongoing economic upgrade of production, two divisions of JSC Belaruskali became independent this year:
On January 23, 2014, the JSC Belaruskali General Meeting of Shareholders adopted a decision to restructure the Company by separating the Unitary Design Engineering Company “Kaliproekt”.
On July 22, 2014 the JSC Belaruskali General Meeting of Shareholders adopted a decision to restructure the Company by separating Unitary Construction Company “Trust Remmontazhstroy”.


On August 27, 2014 the symbolic foundation stone was laid and the construction of the Petrikov Production Unit was officially opened. This day will leave its mark in history as the day when the new Production Unit was established.


Potash production reached an all-time record of 10 336.5 thousand tonnes, making a 148% increase compared to 2013. The output of granulated potash fertilizers at flotation Processing Plants PU 1-3 amounted to 60% of gross output.

For the first time the production of compound fertilizers reached 181.7 thousand tonnes: 27.9 thousand tonnes at PU1 and 153.8 thousand tonnes at PU3.



Belaruskali OJSC has been awarded the International Quality Summit International Award in the Platinum category for its quality and product excellence. This unique award is presented to large companies and enterprises with a high level of quality work.


At PU4 Production site the JSC Belaruskali brought to successful conclusion the construction of the Membrane Electrolysis Plant. The commissioning of the process equipment was carried out from October 2014 to February 2015. 


On October 08, 2015 JSC Belaruskali commissioned its first rental apartment block for the employees. In total 120 families, including 14 multi-child families, have improved conditions of living.


In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 296 dd. 01.07.2015, the winners of the 2014 competition were entered on the National Board of Honour for achieving the best performance in social and economic development. JSC Belaruskali was recognized as the Winner among industrial enterprises. Soligorsk District became the best among districts. Minsk region became the best in 2014 for the best performance in social and economic development among the regions.


On December 01, 2015 as part of the ongoing economic upgrade of production, one more division of JSC Belaruskali became independent. The Transport Department was transformed into the Transport Unitary Company “Kalispetstrans”.


According to the results of the XVII Republican Consumer Preference Contest “Product of the Year 2015”, the food salt of Belaruskali was awarded the highest award - a diploma of I degree and a special award - GRAND PRIX for the production of stone table salt. 


On the final days of 2015, the employees of PU2 celebrated an important event - 50th anniversary of their Production Unit activity.



The beginning of 2016 will be marked in the history of the Company with the opening of a new Meat Processing Plant, which products will be sold under the trade mark “Videlets”.


On January 25, 2016 the Maxim Gorky National Academic Drama Theatre hosted the grand ceremony Patron of Culture of Belarus – 2015. For significant contribution to the organization of international and national festivals and competitions JSC Belaruskali was awarded an honorary diploma. 


Belaruskali was the General Partner of the 1st Eurasian Mining and Geological Forum. Minsk, February 2-4


At the beginning of March 2016, the employees of the Quality Control Department will celebrate the 45th anniversary from its foundation. At the beginning of 1971 the QCDs of the three Production Units were consolidated into a separate unit with centralized management.


45 years have passed since the laboratory at the first Processing Plant was transformed into the Central Laboratory of JSC Belaruskali, which provides services for three Production Units.


Belaruskali is the “Best Exporter of the Year” in the category “Oil refining, chemical and petrochemical industry”. The competition was organized by the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 


On the November 24, 2016 during the visit of the Chinese delegation from China Chemical Construction Corporation (CNCCC) to Belaruskali, Belarusian Potash Company and CNCCC, the major importer of potash fertilizers to PRC, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for the years 2017-2019.



On May 17, 2016 a ceremonial meeting to mark the opening of the deposit was held at the Petrikov Production Unit under construction, initiating extensive shaft sinking operations. The employees of the “Trust Shakhtospetsstroy” was entrusted to undertake one of the most challenging parts of the construction project. 




On March 31, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov launched the work of the Garlyk GOK 


In May 2017 the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Belarus summarized the results of the competition “The Best Exporter of 2016”. JSC “Belaruskali” and JSC “Belarusian Potash Company” were recognized as the winners in nomination “Oil refining, chemical and petrochemical industry” (companies with annual export volume over 25 million US dollars). Within the past decade JSC “Belaruskali” had been repeatedly recognized as the winner of the competition "The Best Exporter of the Year".


On June 30, 2017, the working team of the B2-2 longwall face in the Berezovsky Mine, PU4, headed by the Foreman Dmitry Mikhalenya, mined a tonne of potash ore, which became the one-and-a-half billionth tonne in the Company’s history. This record is a gift of Belarusian miners for the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus. This is a new production milestone since the beginning of Starobin deposit development in 1958.


The reconstruction of the Health Resort Beryozka was completed in August turning it into a health center that meets the present-day requirements. At first stage the following facilities were reconstructed: a boiler room, a bedroom building, a canteen, a treatment block, a catering block, a reception, an aqua treatment block with a swimming pool and a variety of saunas.


On 1 December, based on the results of 2017 the JSC Belaruskali was awarded the "People's Choice Prize" in the category “Manufacturer of Fertilizers”. For five years the Prize has gained wide recognition all over Belarus, and the title "People's Choice Prize" has become another national award of the JSC Belaruskali as evidence of high appreciation of our products and consumers' confidence.



According to the performance results for 2017, the JSC Belaruskali, together with the JSC Belarusian Potash Company, has been awarded the title “Best Exporter 2017” in the category “Oil Refining, Chemical and Petrochemical Industry” (enterprises with an annual export volume of more than 25 million USD). In 2017 Belarusian potash producer shipped for export a total of 12 million 750 thousand tonnes of all different Belaruskali products.


On June 29, 2018 a renewed Republican Honour Board was officially opened in Minsk's State Flag Square. The 64 winners of the competition for achieving the best performance in social and economic development and resource saving in 2017 were placed thereon. JSC Belaruskali was recognized as the winner among industrial companies.


On August 12, 2018, a five-year supply memorandum was signed between the largest Chinese potash importer in the world - the Sinochem Group company and the Belarusian Potash Company. The memorandum implies the supply of a new type of potash fertilizer - granulated white chloride chloride of potassium with added sulfur and zinc with a total volume of 700 thousand tons.


Begin construction of a potassium nitrate plant. Migao Corporation is the leader in the traditional potash fertilizer market in China. 

On August 24, a solemn ceremony of installing a memorial sign took place at the site of the future plant. 
The new products will be manufactured according to the technologies of Migao Corporation by the method of conversion of ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride, implemented in the EU, Russia


60th Anniversary of our Company!

JSC Belaruskali has come a long way in six decades – the Company constantly developed new production capacities, introduced into production up-to-date equipment, expanded the range of products, improved technologies. The recent history of the Company is marked by the increase of the output, industrial efficiency, improvement of technologies of KCl mining and processing, diversification of products and quality improvement.


The date of 7 September 2018 marked an important historical event for JSC Belaruskali. First tonnes of potash ore were mined at the Petrikov PU. This event had been in the works since 2012, when it was decided that using its own funds JSC Belaruskali would start the construction of this Production Unit with a designed capacity of not less than 1.5 million tonnes per year.


An official ceremony was held on September 18, 2018 to mark the commissioning of the rental apartment block located at 55 Zaslonova Street after renovation. 107 happy families got the keys to their new apartments. The 9-storey apartment block, built in 1982, previously housed 158 residential units with shared kitchens on each floor. After the renovation, the apartment block has become a cozy, comfortable building with 107 individual apartments of different roomage.


The Alesya Hotel opened its doors on August 22, 2018 after an extensive reconstruction: artist-built interiors, modernly equipped fitness center and SPA complex.



On November 5, 2019 in Petrikov 2 rental 60-apartment blocks were commissioned which will house 120 families of the Petrikov PU employees. Following the instruction of the President of the Republic of Belarus, 4 apartment blocks have been already built in Petrikov for the employees and their families; another 60-apartment block with 96 small-sized apartments will be commissioned through the end of the year. In 2020, one more apartment block and a kindergarten for 240 children will be built in Severny residential area where Belaruskali's employees live.



Grand opening of the first stage of the potassium nitrate production plant. Belkali-Migao LLC is the country's first potassium nitrate production plant and the first joint project of Soligorsk potash producers and Migao Corporation Limited (China), a leading manufacturer of the Chinese market of high-quality specialized potash fertilizers.




On January 30, 2020, the first high-quality concentrate of potassium chloride from ore mined at the Petrikovsky deposit was produced on a day shift.. 

The commissioning is planned to be completed by May 2020 and in the future to move on to the operation of the sylvinite concentration plant in a full technological cycle with the release of products. The production plan provides for the production of at least 100 thousand tons of potash fertilizers by the end of 2020.


For achieving the best performance in social and economic development in 2019 JSC Belaruskali has been placed on the Republican Honour Board by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dd. 22.04.2020. Previously, our Company was placed on the Republican Honour Board for best performance in 2014 and 2017.
For the results of the year 2019, the JSC Belaruskali employees were awarded an Honorary Diploma in the nomination “For achieving high performance in industrial production for the year 2019 and a significant contribution to the development of Soligorsk District”.


For the first time, the Belarusian Potash Company has delivered fertilizers produced by Belaruskali via the Northern Sea Route. On October 05, 2020 two vessels carrying Belarusian potassium chloride arrived in China from the port of Klaipeda. This allowed the vessels to shorten the delivery time by half compared to the traditional route, and freight costs were also reduced considerably. The bold project underlines BPC's commitment to continuous improvement in service quality and makes a significant contribution to the development of the global strategic initiative “One Belt, One Road”.


Today on December 11, 2020 the sinking of the service shaft of the Darasino mine was started. This is one of the most important stages in construction of any new mine. The service shaft is the only way to get people and equipment into the mine, and the mine starts to develop its underground infrastructure. Reserves of the Darasinsky mine will extend the lifetime of PU3 by at least 50 years. The designed capacity of the mine will be appr. 8 million tonnes of ore per year with a further increase to 9 million.



On January 18, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed decree No. 18 "On awarding the 2020 State Prizes of the Republic of Belarus". For the work "Innovative technologies for the development of potash salt deposits, the development of high-tech and science-intensive industries" the prize was awarded to the General Director of Belaruskali Ivan Golovaty, Deputy Chief Engineer for Mining Operations - Head of the Mining Department Andrei Petrovsky, Deputy Chief Engineer for Prospective Development - Head of the Prospective Development Department development to Dmitry Barbikov.



On February 26, the face №1s-1 was successfully accepted by the mine commission for a cutting start and it has already mined the first hundreds of tonnes of ore from the level.
Credence is given to the 2nd PU mine PGU 7 and to a mechanized mining system team of the long wall №1s-1 headed by Alexander Prokopenia. At present, the miners’ team is mining ore at the fourth potash level, thereby gaining experience for the other teams.


On August 27, 2021, the Petrikovsky mining and processing complex of JSC "Belaruskali" was put into operation. The ceremony was attended by the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.
Exactly 7 years ago, a stone was laid to commemorate the start of construction of Petrikovsky


The Belaruskali Golden Fund of events has been enriched with a significant date. On September 3, 2021 during the first shift of Krasnoslobodsky mine, PU2 the 7th million tonne of potash ore was mined since the beginning of the year (in a little over 8 months).
For comparison: for 12 months of the last year this parameter was 8 million 576 thousand 306 tonnes of ore



On 25 January in the Palace of Independence, the ceremony of awarding the state prizes, diplomas for achievements in the field of science and technology took place. For the work «Innovative technologies for developing the potash salt deposits, development of the high-tech and knowledge-intensive industries and creation of the modern import-substituting high-performance equipment for their mining and processing», the state prizes were awarded to the JSC «Belaruskali»  Director-General I. Golovaty, Deputy Technical Director for Mining Operations A. Petrovski, Deputy Technical Director for Prospective Development D. Barbikov.


For the high results in socio-economic development in 2021 JSC Belaruskali is put up on the Republican  Board of Honour under the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 26.04.2022.  

Being inscribed on the Republican Board of  Honour  is a public recognition of the significant contribution of the personnel to the further development of the country and improvement of its well-being.


The Petrikov mine has produced 1 million tonnes of potash fertilizers since the start of its of operation!

We congratulate the youngest, but already successful Production Unit on this significant event!  May it become another step towards exploration of new horizons, improvement of well-being, increase of profits, implementation of all plans and projects. We wish good luck and prosperity to the Petrikov potash team!


Belaruskali has been awarded the 1st Degree Winner Diploma in the category "Best Industrial Construction Project" ("Project of the Year" – the Petrikov Mining and Processing Plant).

This Production Unit has been constructed to increase the capacities of JSC Belaruskali and enhance the export potential of the Republic of Belarus.

The award has been conferred on Igor Androsyuk, the Deputy General Director for Capital Construction.

The awarding ceremony which also honoured the best construction products and companies took place in the Belarusian capital.



Labour and Culture Awards were presented in the capital on 1 May 2023. JSC Belaruskali became the winner of the 2023 Labour Award of the Trade Union Federation of Belarus in the nomination "For Significant Contribution to the Development of Social Partnership".
The award was presented to Ivan Golovatoy, Director General of the Company, and Andrey Rybak, Chairman of the primary trade union organization of JSC Belaruskali of Belkhimprofsoyuz, by Mikhail Orda, Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus.
Another award, another high appreciation of the successful activity of our company!  


On May 18-19, Belaruskali hosted the 3rd Belarusian Agrochemical Forum.

Heads of the Agriculture and Food Ministry, Belneftekhim Concern, Grodno Azot, Gomel Chemical Plant, representatives of research institutes, laboratories and enterprises discussed in an open dialogue the potential of domestic fertilizer production and sales, development programmes for chemical and agricultural enterprises.


On September 27, at a ceremony within the framework of the Belarusian Industrial and Innovation Forum, awards were presented to the winners of the “Competence 2022” competition.

The team of the central laboratory of Belaruskali demonstrated a high level of competence, as well as the ability to improve their activities taking into account the international practice of world leaders.

The team of the central laboratory of OJSC Belaruskali became a leader in the Testing Laboratories category.


On August 1, 2023, on the third potassium horizon of the cage shaft of the Darasinsky mine under construction, the KRP-3 tunneling complex of Trest Shakhtospetsstroy OJSC made a notch for further excavation of the joint between the cage and skip shafts.

In the future, the team under the leadership of Vladimir Novikov will carry out work on the development of the near-shaft yard of the III potassium horizon of the mine.



All-time record in the history of the Production Unit No. 4

During shift No. 4 from the 21st to the 22nd of March, the Processing Plant of the Production Unit No. 4 produced over 6 000 tonnes of concentrate, which is an all-time record in the history of the Production Unit.

High performance figures were achieved due to the implementation of the PU 4 prospective development programme with an increase in production capacity up to 4.5 million tonnes per year by 2025, namely due to the implementation of the following capital construction projects.