The production of compound fertilizers by steam granulation is based on the balling of the crushed, moistened and heated primary components (cake of potassium chloride, ammophos, carbamide, ammonium sulphate).
The production process includes the following stages:
• Receipt and stockpiling of raw material;
• Dosing, milling and feeding of primary components;
• Granulation by balling;
• Drying of the balled product;
• Sizing of the hot product with recycle separation and over-sized product cooling;
• Control sizing of the finished product;
• Stockpiling and loading of the finished product.
The compound fertilizers manufactured by steam granulation are the round or oval granules of the light-grey to reddish colour. Each granule includes three main nutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorous (Р2О5) and potassium (К2О). The compound fertilizers can be supplemented with additives (Сu+2,Zn+2,Mn+2, B).